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Volume 30   No. 3    July  2025    
Vaccines 101: Fundamentals for Pharmacy Technicians
Learning Objectives

1. Describe the role of pharmacy technicians in pharmacy-based immunization services.
2. Discuss classifications of vaccines and how they help protect against disease.
3. Identify commonly available vaccines in the US, their classifications, routes of administration, and storage requirements.
4. Recall procedures for vaccine administration and related documentation requirements.
5. Describe vaccine-related safety and adverse effects.


Miranda Wilhelm, PharmD
Clinical Professor
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville School of Pharmacy
Edwardsville, IL

This module will provide 2.5 contact hours (0.25 CEUs) of continuing pharmacy education credit for pharmacy technicians.

ACPE UAN: 0121-0000-25-003-H06-T
Activity type: Knowledge-based

Release date: July 1, 2025
Expiration date: June 30, 2028
UAN: 0121-0000-25-003-H06-T       2.5 Contact Hours        Type of Activity: Knowledge-based       7/1/2025 - 6/30/2028