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Volume 27   No. 4    October  2022    
What Pharmacy Technicians Need to Know About Anticoagulation Therapy
Learning Objectives

1. Describe what may cause thromboses (clots) to form.
2. List various disease states where anticoagulant medications are used.
3. Identify common medications used to treat and prevent thrombosis including dosing.
4. Recognize common side effects of anticoagulant medications.
5. Describe common medication safety concerns with anticoagulant medications including common drug interactions.


Kelly M. Rudd, PharmD, BCPS, CACP, FCCP
Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine
Oklahoma State University College of Medicine
Tulsa, OK

This module will provide 2.5 contact hours (0.25 CEUs) of continuing pharmacy education credit for pharmacy technicians.

ACPE UAN 0121-0000-22-004-H01-T
Activity Type: Knowledge-based
Release date: October 1, 2022
Expiration date: September 30, 2025
UAN: 0121-0000-22-004-H01-T       2.5 Contact Hours        Type of Activity: Knowledge-based       10/1/2022 - 9/30/2025